Electronic Design Flow Improvement with Machine Learning Tools

Funding: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
Contact: Morten Schierholz, M.Sc.
Start date: 01.10.2021

The design of modern printed circuit boards (PCBs) is a challenging task and requires the compliance with a variety of specifications. To reduce the risk of a poor design and getting the desired functionality, the design processs is accompanied by many electromagnetic simulations. In combination with the time requirement of an individual simulaion this results in a large effort which needs a lot of computational resources. Because future designs will have a higher complexity and larger integration level, decreasing the time requirement for an individual simulation is an important task to solve. Without improving the simulation mechanism the design ow will require more time which results in additional costs for the development. This project aims to improve the design ow by providing a more efficient design tool and process. In the area of machine learning algorithms some promising ideas are found. Publications in recent years provide methods to increase the efficiency of optimization processes – for example generic algorithms for the placement of decoupling capacitors. With artificial neural networks first results are achieved by investigating the impedance of the power delivery network under the in uence of decoupling capacitors. Future work shall increase the applicability of artificial neural networks to a wider range of simulation tasks. Therefore different aspects have to be investigated. The focus is on printed circuit boards which are commonly used in many electronic devices. The functionality and capabilities of printed circuit boards is well understood. One of the most important aspects within this project is to provide not only a faster simulation ow but to ensure the consistency of simulation results with existing tools and methods.


Morten Schierholz, Christian Schuster, Zouhair Nezhi, Marcus Stiemer

PCB based Power Delivery Network Analysis Using Transfer Learning and Artificial Neural Networks Proceedings Article Forthcoming

In: 2024 IEEE 28th Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity (SPI), Lisbon, Portugal, May 12-15, Forthcoming.

Zouhair Nezhi, Marcus Stiemer, Morten Schierholz, Christian Schuster

Dimensional Reduction by Auto-Encoders in Machine Learning Based Power Integrity Analysis Proceedings Article Forthcoming

In: 2024 IEEE 28th Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity (SPI), Lisbon, Portugal, May 12-15, Forthcoming.

Youcef Hassab, Morten Schierholz, Christian Schuster

Application of Gaussian Process Regression for Data Efficient Prediction of PCB-based Power Delivery Network Impedance Features Proceedings Article Forthcoming

In: 2024 IEEE 28th Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity (SPI), Lisbon, Portugal, May 12-15 Forthcoming.

Christian Morten Schierholz, Youcef Hassab, Ihsan Erdin, Jayaprakash Balachandran, Christian Schuster

Applying Techniques of Transfer and Active Learning to Practical PCB Noise Decoupling Proceedings Article

In: DesignCon 2024, Sanata Clara, USA, January 30 - February 1, 2024.

Christian Morten Schierholz, Youcef Hassab, Christian Schuster

Engineering-Informed Design Space Reduction for PCB Based Power Delivery Networks Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 1613 - 1623, 2023.


Christian Morten Schierholz, Ihsan Erdin, Jayaprakash Balachandran, Christian Schuster

Data-Efficient Supervised Machine Learning Technique for Practical PCB Noise Decoupling Proceedings Article

In: DesignCon 2023 Early-Career, Santa Clara, CA, USA, January 30 - February 1, 2023.

Christian Morten Schierholz, Ihsan Erdin, Jayaprakash Balachandran, Cheng Yang, Christian Schuster

Parametric S-Parameters for PCB based Power Delivery Network Design Using Machine Learning Proceedings Article

In: IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity (SPI), Siegen, Germany, May 22 -25, 2022.


Christian Morten Schierholz, Youcef Hassab, Christian Schuster

Evaluation of Support Vector Machines for PCB based Power Delivery Network Classification Proceedings Article

In: IEEE Conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems (EPEPS), virtual event, Austin, TX, USA, October 17-20, 2021.


Allan Sanchesz-Masis, Allan Carmona-Cruz, Christian Morten Schierholz, Xiaomin Duan, Troy J. Beukema, Cheng Yang, Renato Rimolo-Donadio, Christian Schuster

ANN Hyperparameter Optimization by Genetic Algorithms for Via Interconnect Classification Proceedings Article

In: IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity (SPI), virtual event, Siegen, Germany, May 10-12, 2021.


Cheng Yang, Christian Morten Schierholz, Eileen Trunczik, Leon Maximilian Helmich, Heinz-Dietrich Brüns, Christian Schuster

Efficient and Flexible Huygens’ Source Replacement of mm-scale Human Brain Implants Proceedings Article

In: Joint IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal and Power Integrity (EMCS+SIPI) and Symposium on EMC Europe (EMC Europe), virtual event, Glasgow, Scotland, July 26 - August 20, 2021.


Christian Morten Schierholz, Allan Sanchesz-Masis, Allan Carmona-Cruz, Xiaomin Duan, Kallol Roy, Cheng Yang, Renato Rimolo-Donadio, Christian Schuster

SI/PI-Database of PCB-Based Interconnects for Machine Learning Applications Journal Article

In: IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 34423-34432, 2021.


Katharina Scharff, Christian Morten Schierholz, Cheng Yang, Christian Schuster

ANN Performance for the Prediction of High-Speed Digital Interconnects over Multiple PCBs Proceedings Article

In: IEEE Conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems (EPEPS) San Jose, CA, USA, 2020.


Christian Morten Schierholz, Cheng Yang, Kallol Roy, Madhavan Swaminathan, Christian Schuster

Comparison of Collaborative versus Extended Artificial Neural Networks for PDN Design Proceedings Article

In: IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Intergrity (SPI) Cologne, Germany, May 17-20, 2020.


Christian Morten Schierholz, Katharina Scharff, Christian Schuster

Evaluation of Neural Networks to Predict Target Impedance Violations of Power Delivery Networks Proceedings Article

In: IEEE Conference on Electrical Perfomance of Electronic Packaging and Systems (EPEPS) Montreal, Canada, October 6-9, 2019.
